Location: Waltham
Elspeth (Elly) Hart DScPAS, PA-C, MPAS, ATC, LAT is a physician assistant at The Micheli Center for Sports Injury Prevention. She began her love of sports with her gymnastics career at the age of 3 and she competed in region VI and was a Junior Olympic level 10 gymnast before attending James Madison University as a Division I gymnast. During her time at James Madison, she studied athletic training & sports medicine with a minor in biology and graduated with a Bachelor’s of Science degree.
After graduation, Elly passed her boards and went on to practice as a certified athletic trainer. During this time, she started competing in gymnastics again, qualifying and hitting four for four routines at level 10 Junior Olympic National Championships and she was one of the oldest gymnasts to do so at the age of 23.
She then earned her master’s degree in physician’s assistant studies from Mass College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (MCPHS) and passed her boards to become a certified physician’s assistant. Right out of her program she began working for Boston Children’s Hospital Sports Medicine Division where she saw all types of athletes and worked under Dr. Lyle Micheli as one of his physician assistants. Also while she worked for Boston Children’s she started the country’s first injured gymnast clinic. She then moved practices to the Steward Network and made history by starting the country’s first gymnastics medicine clinic, a clinic focused exclusively on gymnastics injuries, diagnosis, education, treatment, and prevention.
In 2019, Elly completed her doctorate degree from MCPHS and in 2021 she started a nonprofit called Gymnastics Medicine: Education and Research (GymnasticsMedicine.org). The mission of the nonprofit is to be a collaborative team of gymnasts, parents, coaches, and healthcare providers delivering the most up-to-date evidence-based education/information and research on gymnastics-specific injuries, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and care of gymnasts.
Currently, Elly is still very active and trains for American Ninja Warrior and has competed on American Ninja Warrior the TV show for season 13 and season 14. In 2021, she received the award for being the 3rd best adult female ninja in the country at the National Ninja League’s World Championships. She is also an avid snowboarder and surfer.
Elly has also written and published many research papers on gymnastics injuries and is currently creating and finishing multiple gymnastics-specific studies.
Elly joins The Micheli Center where she will continue to diagnosis, evaluate, treat, and prevent sports injuries. In this sports medicine clinic she will see all athletes but have a focus on gymnasts, cheerleaders and ninja warriors.