Title: Injury Prevention Specialist
Education: BS in Athletic Training from Endicott College, MS in Health and Human Performance from Austin Peay St. University
Certifications: Certified Athletic Trainer, Massachusetts Licensed Athletic Trainer
Location: Waltham
More About Me!
Training philosophy: I believe in getting you to move as strong and as efficiently as possible throughout all ranges of motions, biomechanics of sport and movement and daily living. This is done by constantly evaluating everything (even when you don’t think I am!), making adjustments and evaluating more. I like to start small and get broader as show clients that results in them improving starts small but can have big impacts on their lives!
Sports you play/have played: I play baseball competitively, at the semi-pro level. I also play men’s league soccer, am active in fitness, and am trying to continually get better at golf!
Teams/athletes/settings you have experience working with/in: I have worked in all levels and settings. I worked at the high school level at Montgomery Central High School in TN and the Dexter Southfield School in Brookline, MA. I worked at the collegiate level at Wentworth Institute of Technology, as well as covering sports for Endicott College, BC, and others around the area. Finally, I worked in pro sports as an ATC for the Boston Blades professional women’s hockey and the Boston Red Sox organization in Pawtucket.
Specialty: Shoulder and throwing related injuries.